Privacy notice

This website (the “Website”) allows you to access information and use certain services through various channels, in particular you may access tools and content, conduct a personalised assessment, receive a customized report, etc. (the “Services”). The Services are provided to you by Udemy Business Value (the “Sponsor”).

1. Registration

To access the Services, the Sponsor may ask you to provide personal data such as your name, contact details, company, your area of expertise or region or other personal data as required within the Services(the “Personal Data”). Personal Data is collected and processed by the Sponsor as data controller in accordance with the Sponsor’s Privacy Notice accessible at

As the data controller with respect to the Personal Data, the Sponsor is responsible for the lawfulness of such processing, including the requisite legal titles (consents or other, as may be applicable) for processing.

2. Cookies

Cookies are small information files that are placed on your device when you visit the Website. The Website uses several cookie types, and each type performs a different function.Information in the cookies may be linked to personal data. Cookies enable you to navigate between pages efficiently and store your preferences, and they generally improve your web experience.

You can change your browser settings to enable or disable cookies or to display a warning before accepting any cookies.

The Website uses cookies to track your behavior on the Website, including which Services you accessed or completed, and pages visited.

The Website aggregates statistics for analysis regarding the application types used to browse. This information is not personally identifiable.

If you choose not to receive cookies from the Website, you may wish to remove the cookies already on your describes the process by which you can remove cookies from your devices.

Last Updated: December, 2019